Self-Insert Project: Dumbledore's Army

This project was a fun one to work with. Since our task was to insert ourselves into a place in which we've never been, I knew this was my chance. So I thought, why not insert myself into one of my favorite worlds in existence: The Wizarding World? So that's exactly what I was gonna do. Referencing an important part of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, I decided to insert myself into the iconic group of Dumbledore's army. To do that, I found this perfect picture of the whole group for self-insert:

For the actual insert image of myself, I used a picture from character day in my senior year:


After choosing my two images, I knew that I had make the images fit together in a more natural way. Therefore, I cropped myself using the lasso tool and magic eraser and had to make many adjustments to the picture. I had the adjust the saturation, brightness, highlights, shadows, contrast, exposure, and more. After a a few hours of work, I present to you my final product:

I am very happy with the results and truly enjoyed this project! I have to say, Photoshop isn't really that bad of a program to work with. It has very interesting tools!


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