Character Illustration Assignment Ft. Ryan's Mom


(Below is description for full process)

 For this illustration project, I decided to choose the following sketch:

From this sketch, I thought: Why not make a mini-comic while still incorporating the character?
In order to make that happen, I planned out a sketch, where I also decided to add a second character to make the piece much more dynamic:

From there, I worked it out in the Adobe Illustrator Program. Not going to lie: I really hated completing this project. Since one of the few tools I am comfortable with in this program is the Blob brush, that is the ONLY tool I used for this whole drawing. Due to time constraints and complexity of my original sketch, I decided to cut out some of the items in order to make the ones I did have look as good as possible. After many (torturous) days of drawing non-stop, I present to you my final product:

It may not be my best work, but I'm still glad I was able to accomplish this idea:)


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